Package-level declarations


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A typealias for a function representing a plugin factory, used to produce plugin instances

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typealias PluginMethod = suspend (args: ByteArray?, env: ByteArray?, invoker: Invoker) -> ByteArray

A typealias for a function representing a plugin method.

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abstract class PluginModule<TConfig>(val config: TConfig)

An abstract class for plugin modules with a generic configuration type TConfig. This class is extended by the generated plugin module class.

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data class PluginPackage<TConfig>(pluginModule: PluginModule<TConfig>, manifest: WrapManifest) : WrapPackage

Implementation of the WrapPackage interface for Plugin Wrap packages.

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data class PluginWrapper<TConfig>(val module: PluginModule<TConfig>) : Wrapper

Represents a plugin wrapper, allowing the plugin module to be invoked as a Wrapper.