
data class MethodDefinition(val type: String, val kind: Int, val name: String? = null, val required: Boolean? = false, val comment: String? = null, val arguments: List<PropertyDefinition>? = null, val env: MethodDefinition.EnvRequired? = null, val _return: PropertyDefinition? = null) : IGenericDefinition, WithComment

A data class representing a method definition in a Wrap ABI.


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constructor(type: String, kind: Int, name: String? = null, required: Boolean? = false, comment: String? = null, arguments: List<PropertyDefinition>? = null, env: MethodDefinition.EnvRequired? = null, _return: PropertyDefinition? = null)


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data class EnvRequired(val required: Boolean? = null)

A data class representing whether an environment is required for a method in a Wrap ABI.


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An optional PropertyDefinition object representing the return value of the method.

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A list of PropertyDefinition objects representing the arguments of the method.

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open override val comment: String? = null

An optional comment associated with the method.

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An optional EnvRequired object representing the environment required for the method.

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open override val kind: Int

The kind of the method definition.

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open override val name: String? = null

The name of the method.

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open override val required: Boolean? = false

A boolean indicating whether the method is required or not.

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open override val type: String

The type of the method.