Package-level declarations


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abstract class BaseConfigBuilder

Defines a builder for creating configured PolywrapClient instances with support for adding, removing, and modifying various configuration options.

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data class BuilderConfig(val envs: MutableMap<String, ByteArray>, val interfaces: MutableMap<String, MutableSet<String>>, val redirects: MutableMap<String, String>, val wrappers: MutableMap<String, Wrapper>, val packages: MutableMap<String, WrapPackage>, val resolvers: MutableList<UriResolver>, val ffiBundles: MutableList<NativeBundle>)

Represents in intermediary representation of the Polywrap Client configuration, used to facilitate config composition in the ConfigBuilder.

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abstract class Bundle

A Bundle is a collection of Items that are to be added to the Polywrap Client configuration.

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A concrete implementation of the BaseConfigBuilder class. This class builds PolywrapClient instances using provided configurations.

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Default configuration bundles are defined in the FFI native code. They implement the Bundle interface and can be added to a ConfigBuilder. However, they cannot be used to override other configuration values.

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fun configBuilder(configBuilder: ConfigBuilder? = null, configure: ConfigBuilder.() -> Unit): ConfigBuilder
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fun polywrapClient(configBuilder: ConfigBuilder? = null, configure: ConfigBuilder.() -> Unit): PolywrapClient
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fun validateMapAsEnv(map: Map<*, *>): WrapEnv
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